Knowledge of Veda Purana

Lok Sabha election 2024 people learned politics from Vedas know Vedas say about a skilled Indian politician

Vedas: Vedas are the ancient scriptures of the entire human civilization. Vedas taught man to…

Indra is the king of the devas in Hinduism according to vedas he is main deity

Vedas: Many people will be surprised to know that Lord Indra has been given a…

Vedas number why decreasing Out of 1131 branches of Vedas now only twelve are left

Vedas: Vedas are our oldest scriptures. There are many branches and sub-branches of Vedas. Today,…

What lessons given from Vedas know about four Vedas as per shastrarth

Vedas: Vedas have the highest place in Sanatan Dharma. Just as the Quran has a…