DB Cooper…the story of the robber who disappeared from a flying plane

DB Cooper…the story of the robber who disappeared from a flying plane

In the cold of November, when people are thinking that somehow they can get a cup of hot tea inside the quilt, at that time a person in America was planning to hijack Flight 305. This plan was not only about hijacking… but also about how to disappear from a flying plane so that even America’s biggest investigative agency FBI could not do anything except banging its head. Let us tell you the story of this unique plane hijack in detail. The story started from the airport Date 24 November…

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Can diamond be made from charcoal also? Know the complete process of diamond making here

Can diamond be made from charcoal also?  Know the complete process of diamond making here

Since childhood we have been hearing that diamonds are found from coal mines. But are diamonds really made from coal? Actually, coal is black and the color of diamond is completely transparent white. In such a situation, the question that naturally comes to mind is what happens to coal that it turns into diamond. Apart from this, a question also comes to mind that if diamond is made from coal then can it be made from any kind of coal. Let us tell you about it. How is diamond made…

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If There Is A Fight In The Train Then Whom To Complain To RPF Is The Wrong Answer

If There Is A Fight In The Train Then Whom To Complain To RPF Is The Wrong Answer

While traveling in a train, you must have seen many times that a fight takes place between two people. Sometimes it even comes to the point of physical violence. Now the question arises that if there is a fight in your train or someone misbehaves with you in the train, then where can you go and complain about it. Many times we feel that if something happens in the train, we can complain to RPF, but is RPF the right place for this? Let us give you complete information related…

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Year Ender 2023 What Did Science Achieve In 2023 Every Big Information Is Here

Year Ender 2023 What Did Science Achieve In 2023 Every Big Information Is Here

The year 2023 proved to be amazing for science. This year, science gave many such things to the world, which humans were unaware of till now. Science has made many great achievements from space to medical science. Let us now tell you about the big news related to science one by one. touched the south pole of the moon Man has already gone to the Moon many times before the year 2023. But every time man landed in only one part of the moon. But in the year 2023, India…

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Why Does The Body Smell In Summer Not Sweat But The Reason Behind It

Why Does The Body Smell In Summer Not Sweat But The Reason Behind It

As soon as the summer starts, the sale of scents and deo increases. The reason behind this is the bad smell coming from human body in summer. Crores of people live in this world and the body odor of every human being is different. Some have less body odor and some have so much that it becomes difficult to even stand near them in summer. Now the question arises that why does the body smell like this? Is only sweat responsible for this smell or is there some other reason…

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This Is A Village Of Mannequins 300 Scarecrows Live Among 29 Humans

This Is A Village Of Mannequins 300 Scarecrows Live Among 29 Humans

All the cities or villages you have seen so far, humans must have lived there. But the village where we are telling you the story today, there are no humans but effigies. These mannequins are called scarecrows in the local language. If you enter this village by mistake, you will feel as if you have come to another world. You will see a lot of scarecrows on the streets, in homes and in the fields. Many times tourists get scared seeing them at night. Where is this village? This is…

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What Kind Of Trains Are These Emu Demu And Memu Indian People Travel In Them Everyday

What Kind Of Trains Are These Emu Demu And Memu Indian People Travel In Them Everyday

Millions of people travel everyday by Indian Railways, it is also called the fourth largest rail network in the world. You will be surprised to know that more than 19 thousand trains run in 17 zones of India. There are many different categories in these more than 19 thousand trains. Emu, demu and memu are included in this category. Indian Railways uses different categories of trains according to its needs. So let us tell you today what are these EMU, DEMU and MEMU trains and when, where and how they…

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Why do rain clouds appear black, what is the reason behind this?

Why do rain clouds appear black, what is the reason behind this?

When you look at the sky, the clouds that you see everyday are white, but as soon as it is the rainy season and there are clouds in the sky at that time, their color turns black. Now the question arises that what is the reason behind this. Why is it that clouds without rain appear white and clouds with rain appear black? So let’s try to give you this advice through science today. Why are rain clouds black? There is a science behind the rain clouds turning black. .…

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Canoe Crystal River Changes Color Know How Its Water Becomes Yellow Blue Green Black And Red

Canoe Crystal River Changes Color Know How Its Water Becomes Yellow Blue Green Black And Red

There are more than one wonders in the world. River, tree, mountain, ocean…everywhere there is something or the other that fills people with wonder. Last days, we had told you about a river whose water is as red as blood, but today the water of the river we are talking about is not only red but appears in many other colors. The most amazing thing is that this river changes the color of its water with time. Seeing this color changing river, you will also think that it has left…

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There Is Not A Single Snake In Ireland The Powers Of Saint Patrick Be The Reason

There Is Not A Single Snake In Ireland The Powers Of Saint Patrick Be The Reason

In a country like India, many people die every year due to snake bite. On the one hand, where snakes are worshipped, on the other hand, people are also afraid of them. Snakes are wreaking havoc all over the world including India. People change their way after seeing him. But you will be surprised to know that there are many such places in this world where you will not find snakes even after searching. Today we tell you the story of one such country, where there is not a single…

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