Why Are Medicines Colorful Know What Is Their Relation With The Disease

Why Are Medicines Colorful Know What Is Their Relation With The Disease

Whenever you have fallen ill and gone to the doctor, you must have got a lot of medicines from there. Have you noticed that those medicines are very colourful. Barring paracetamol, most of the medicines are in one color or the other. On the other hand, if there is a capsule in medicines, then it is often available in two colors. But why are medicines colourful? Is there anything related to the disease with their colors? Is the color of medicines used as a special code in medical science? If…

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This is the ‘Khooni’ river… where people are afraid to even go near it in the evening

This is the ‘Khooni’ river… where people are afraid to even go near it in the evening

By now you must have heard about more than one rivers. Somewhere a river flows opposite to the current, and somewhere some river is cursed. Along with this, the water of all the rivers that you have seen till date will be beige, green and sky blue. However, the river we are talking about today is called the bloody river. Actually, the color of the water of this river is as red as blood. Where is this river This bloody river flows in the city of Cusco, Peru. Looking at…

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There Is Not A Single Mosque In Bhutan But Thousands Of Muslims Live

There Is Not A Single Mosque In Bhutan But Thousands Of Muslims Live

Muslims are the second largest population in India. On the other hand, India’s neighboring country Pakistan has the largest population of people who follow the religion of Islam. But there is also a neighboring country of India, where there are Muslims…but there is not a single mosque there. Hindus also live in that country and there are temples for Hindus. But there is not a single mosque for those who believe in Islam. Let us tell you what is the reason behind this and which is that country. which country…

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Why are the words Khambha, Adha and Paua used for liquor?

Why are the words Khambha, Adha and Paua used for liquor?

Whether you drink alcohol or not, but you would also know that when people go to buy alcohol in India, they buy it not in liters but by saying Addha, Paua and Khambha. But why is this done. What is the reason behind this. If you would think that this happens because of the quantity, then you are absolutely wrong. Because in India, Poa is considered to be 250 ml, but if you go to buy liquor in Poa, you will get only 180 ml of alcohol in it. So…

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Why do most people feel like going to the toilet as soon as they step into a swimming pool? think about it

Why do most people feel like going to the toilet as soon as they step into a swimming pool?  think about it

Swimming is a great exercise. People do swimming to stay fit. But have you ever noticed that when you stay in the swimming pool for too long, your bladder becomes more active. To put it plainly, do you also feel that when you stay in the swimming pool for too long, you feel the urge to urinate. Even many times people urinate in the swimming pool because of this. So let’s know what is the main reason behind it and what does science say about it? Contains about 8 gallons…

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How Do Deaf People Think Know How People Would Think Without Language

How Do Deaf People Think Know How People Would Think Without Language

Man is different from all living beings because he is able to think. The ability to think only takes a person towards development. All of you must be thinking something or the other every day. You must have noticed that when you are thinking something, you are also speaking it in your own language. But what if a person cannot hear from birth, or cannot speak… One who has no sense of language can he also think. Now understand this in such a way that a person who cannot hear…

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What Is The Full Form Of Cricket Know What Is Cricket Called In Hindi

What Is The Full Form Of Cricket Know What Is Cricket Called In Hindi

in country Indian Premier League Its going on. It is no less than a festival for the fans of cricket. If the craze for any sport is seen the most in India, then it is cricket. You will see children playing cricket in every street here. However, most of the people just play cricket…they don’t know much about it. Especially general knowledge type information. You must have seen people asking the full form of cricket till now, but has anyone asked you the full form of the word CRICKET. Let…

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This Cow Doesn’t Live On The Earth But Inside The Sea

This Cow Doesn’t Live On The Earth But Inside The Sea

Cow is a sacred animal for the Hindus living in India. It has got the status of mother in India. But today we are not talking about the cow that lives on the earth, but the cow that lives inside the sea and is known as the sea cow. It is considered to be the most decent creature of the whole sea, in fact, this creature never attacks anyone. But in spite of this, it is being hunted fast, even due to the pollution spread by humans, it is also…

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People wait to die in this city of India… they do not get a place to stay here soon

People wait to die in this city of India… they do not get a place to stay here soon

Death is the biggest truth of life for any living being. People mourn death all over the world… But Varanasi is one such place where death is a celebration. It is celebrated with great pomp. On one hand, where the whole world is afraid of dying and tries to avoid death by any means, on the other hand, there is a place in this Varanasi where people come from all over the country and abroad to wait for death. Which is that place The place where people come and wait…

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Keep Your Fridge At This Temperature In Summer Know Whether It Is Right To Close The Fridge At Night

Keep Your Fridge At This Temperature In Summer Know Whether It Is Right To Close The Fridge At Night

In some houses, the refrigerator runs throughout the year, while in some houses the refrigerator is switched off in winter and the refrigerator is switched on as soon as the summer begins. But the biggest question among all these is that at what degree Fahrenheit should we keep the temperature of our fridge. Many times you must have seen that suddenly a lot of ice gets accumulated in the fridge, then sometimes there is no cooling in the fridge… due to which the goods kept in it get spoiled. Today…

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