People never turn off the TV at this place, the reason will surprise you

The culture and lifestyle of citizens of all countries around the world is different. Our country India is a country of diversity, where the culture of people in all states is different. On the other hand, in some countries, people are still living according to very old traditions. But today we are going to tell you about a place where people’s lifestyle is filled with fear. Yes, the people there are always scared. Know what is the reason behind this.  Culture is different The culture and natural beauty of every…

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There is a ban on wearing jeans in this country, what is the reason behind the ban on jeans

The clothing style is completely different in different countries around the world. But today jeans are mainly worn in most countries. But do you know that there is a country where wearing jeans is banned. Yes, people of this country cannot wear jeans, if a person wears jeans then legal action can also be taken against him. Today we will tell you why wearing jeans is banned in this country and what is the reason behind it.     Wearing jeans Today wearing jeans is seen as a common clothing…

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Indians take bath every morning, but in these countries people take bath at night for this reason

  People in India often take bath in the morning. It is believed that bathing in the morning keeps the body fresh. Apart from this, there are also religious beliefs and traditions behind it. But in some countries in the world the opposite also happens. People there often take bath at night. The names of Japan and China are especially prominent among these countries.  Japan The habit of bathing at night in Japan comes from their ancient tradition. Is. It is believed that night bathing helps in getting rid of…

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Why writing with red pen is prohibited in these countries, know the reason behind it

Many countries in the world have different beliefs and superstitions. Today we are going to tell you about some countries where writing with red pen is prohibited. One such claim is made on social media that writing with red ink is prohibited in countries like Portugal, South Korea and Japan. In South Korea, there is even a superstition that if someone writes with a red pen, he will die. Know the truth behind this South Korea In South Korea, writing with red ink is considered inauspicious. According to the information,…

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How is the lifestyle of Kim Jong Un’s daughter? Why are the people of his own country disliking him?

North Korea: Anyone gets surprised after listening to the strange and poor of the dictator of North Korea. Kim Jong Un often remains the subject of discussion all over the world because of his strange poor laws. Where, the dictator of North Korea has set rules for the people in the country from keeping hairstyles to wearing clothes. At the same time, his own daughter has become a topic of discussion nowadays due to her lifestyle. growing anger among people The dictator in front of whom anyone stops speaking, these…

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That hotel with 105 rooms where no one stays…! the reason is interesting

Building 105: Because of its strange laws and missile tests, North Korea continues to be discussed all over the world. But along with this many secrets are also kept hidden from the common people. There are many such things here that surprise people. Here is one such hotel built in a pyramid-shaped skyscraper. This hotel is mysterious in itself. Although this hotel is very big, but the surprising thing is that till date no one has stayed here. Let’s know about this mysterious hotel… Though the official name of this…

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Mystery Of Yanggkado Hotel In North Korea Yanggkado Hotel 5th Floor Reddit Know Here

South Korea: North Korea, a country ruled by dictator Kim Jong, often remains a topic of discussion regarding the strange and poor laws there. This country has many secrets in itself. A similar law is also there in the hotels here. Usually you can visit every floor of a hotel or book your room. But anyone is forbidden to go to the fifth floor of a hotel in North Korea. Was ready in 6 years There is a hotel named Yangkado in Pyongyang, the capital of North Korea. This hotel…

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Brain Eating Amoeba Symptoms Treatments What Is Brain Eating Amoeba Naegleria Fowleri

Brain Eating Amoeba: On one hand, the whole world is troubled by the new variant of Corona, on the other hand, a strange disease has knocked in this world. The name of this disease is ‘brain-eating amoeba’. Many types of questions must be arising in the mind on hearing its name. Will the amoeba eat the brain? How can the brain eat? First answer this question of yours. Actually the scientific name of this amoeba is Naegleria fowleri. It is a small organism that can survive in warm and fresh…

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