Child’s mental health can deteriorate due to lack of sleep, health expert told this reason

Adequate sleep is very important for the mental health of children. According to recent research, due to lack of sleep in childhood, it has a negative impact on the brain of children when they grow up. Especially the risk of psychosis increases.  A special kind of research done in Britain This research was done by researchers from Britain’s University of Birmingham. 12 thousand children have been included in this research. And their sleeping patterns were monitored. In this special type of research, the researcher included children aged between 6 months…

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Health tips sleepless night is problem increased after covid good sleep is important

Sleeping Disorder: You must have seen a show on TV, in which the anchor says ‘If you want to sleep peacefully then wake up’. But if you want to remain young for a long time and keep old age at bay, then it is important to sleep peacefully. Yes, seeing the way people’s sleep has been ruined after the Corona period, health experts have advocated adequate sleep. Recent figures say that more than 30 percent people in the country are suffering from lack of sleep and after the Corona period,…

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know why disturbed sleep is more common in this time how to resolve it

Disturbed Sleep Pattern: After a long day’s work, it is important to have a proper and full sleep in bed at night. But today’s hectic life, changing lifestyle and excessive use of mobile is disturbing our sleep. The problem of lack of sleep and frequent sleep disturbances has now become common and sleep disorder is continuously affecting people. Let us know what are the reasons behind sleep disturbance and how you can get enough sleep. Lack of sleep has become a common problem The risk of sleep disorders has increased…

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How Long Can You Survive Without Sleeping Know Disadvantages Of Lack Of Sleep

Disadvantages of lack of sleep: Getting enough sleep is very important for a healthy body. Because lack of sleep increases the risk of many diseases in the body. Lack of sleep has been linked to serious diseases in many studies. Due to today’s busy schedule, people are not able to get enough sleep. Because of which they are facing many problems. To stay healthy, an adult must take 7-8 hours of sleep daily. This question must have come in your mind at least once that for how many days a…

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Stroke Risk In People Who Snore More Know What Is The Solution Of This Problem

Many people have the habit of snoring while sleeping. By the way, it is common to see such effects along with aging. But a study suggests that people who snore are almost twice as likely to have a stroke as compared to quiet sleepers. Irish researchers have found that snorers have a higher risk of stroke. About 4500 elderly people were included in this study. The study looked at whether sleep problems were associated with the likelihood of suffering a stroke. According to The Sun report, Dr Christine McCarthy of…

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Sleeping Less Than Seven to Eight Hours Is Danger for Your Heart Know Here How

Less Sleep Heart Attack: A new study has revealed that sleeping less than 7 to 8 hours a day puts your heart at risk. Sleeping for seven to eight hours is a good habit to reduce the risk of PAD. To live a good life, there is a lot of need for a lot of sleep. Often you must have felt in yourself that when you stay awake till late at night and wake up early in the morning, the head remains heavy and the body feels very tired. The…

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Weight Loss You Want To Understand Here What Is Most Important For The Body

Weight Loss Tips: As we grow older, we tend to pay less attention to our sleep. We tend to ignore one of the best and healthy for our body. Sleep has a huge impact on our stress hormones and our immune system. Apart from weight gain, its deficiency increases many health related risks. It is important to understand how sleep affects your weight. Many times we do lakhs of exercises to lose weight but the weight is not reduced. So the reason for this can also be your habit of…

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Sleep Deprivation Know What Happens If You Don’t Get Enough Sleep

Sleep Deprivation: You know very well how important it is to get enough sleep. Due to lack of sleep, there are many bad effects on the body, which can also lead to the emergence of serious conditions. According to Britain’s National Health Service, every person should complete 9 hours of sleep at night. However, due to today’s busy schedule and lifestyle, sleep is often not complete. Because of which many problems arise. Do you know that due to not getting good sleep, you can have many skin related problems? According…

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Know Why 9 Hour Sleep Is Must For Childrens Expert Shares Inadequate Sleep May Cause Mental Imbalance Stress And Several Health Problems

Sleep is an important part of our daily routine. To stay healthy, as important as food is, equally important is a good sleep. Today it has become difficult for a person to get a good and better sleep due to the run-of-the-mill life and poor lifestyle. The duration of sleep varies according to age. On the one hand, while it is necessary for a newborn child to sleep for 15 to 16 hours, on the other hand, an adult should take 7 to 8 hours of sleep. Sleep and its…

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