Over 2000 Mummified Sheep Heads Unearthed In Egypt

It is not surprising to find mummies in Egypt. But, archaeologists have now found mummies of more than 2000 sheep’s heads here. These heads of sheep were left as offerings in the building of Pharaoh Ramses II. This information has been given by the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities. A team of American archaeologists from New York University also discovered mummies of dogs, goats, cows, gazelle and mongoose at Abydos in southern Egypt, famous for its temples and tombs. Iskandar Sameh, the head of the American mission, says that the…

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When a plane flying in the air had to make an emergency landing because of sheep… the reason is quite funny!

Safety is of paramount importance while traveling by plane. If there is even a slight doubt about the safety of the ship or the passengers, then the emergency landing of the ship is done. So that the problem can be detected and solved. Because if the plane continues to fly in the sky with any kind of fault, then it remains very dangerous for the people on the plane as well as the people on the ground. But, sometimes the reason for emergency landing is quite strange. Today we are…

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