According to Lancet study Ayushman Bharat health scheme is beneficial for cancer patients ANN

According to Lancet study Ayushman Bharat health scheme is beneficial for cancer patients ANN

Cancer Treatment In India: The latest Lancet report on Regional Health has revealed that there has been an increase in timely treatment of cancer in India under the Ayushman Bharat Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (PM-JAY). According to the report, this scheme has promoted access to health services for the poor and weaker sections. The report also highlights the impact that delays in treatment (Time to Initiation – TTI) have on patients’ health and outcomes. According to this report, research has been done to find out where and how much…

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Banning the sale of tobacco can prevent 1.2 million deaths from lung cancer, know what the study says

Banning the sale of tobacco can prevent 1.2 million deaths from lung cancer, know what the study says

Lancet Study On Smoking: Due to continuously deteriorating lifestyle and eating habits, youth are falling prey to many diseases. In such a situation, while living a digital life, everyone is playing with their health in the race to follow fashion trends. The youth are not shying away from smoking and consuming tobacco to maintain their status symbol. Recently, a shocking revelation has been made in the Lancet study, according to which, if a smoker controls his smoking addiction, his lifespan can increase by one year. This is a big fact…

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Death rate is increasing due to air pollution, guidelines issued to deal with it

Death rate is increasing due to air pollution, guidelines issued to deal with it

A report published in Lancet Planetary Health highlights dangerous air quality in 10 major Indian cities. It revealed that about 33,000 deaths annually are linked to air pollution levels higher than World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines. The study analyzed data from Ahmedabad, Bengaluru, Chennai, Delhi, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Mumbai, Pune, Shimla and Varanasi between 2008 and 2019. Dr Bhargav Krishna, Fellow of the Sustainable Futures Collaborative and lead author of the study, emphasized the widespread nature of the issue. He said, the results of this first multi-city study of its kind…

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There is a huge deficiency of this nutrient in the body of Indians, fulfill it in this way or else you will get a serious disease

There is a huge deficiency of this nutrient in the body of Indians, fulfill it in this way or else you will get a serious disease

According to ‘Lancet Global Health’, Indians lack many nutrients. Especially iron, calcium and folate are lacking the most. This report also reveals that this deficiency is seen in people of all ages. This research has been done in 185 countries of the world. It found that there are 15 such nutrients which are present in less quantity in people’s body. 70 percent of people in the whole world do not eat iodine This research is based on diet charts. An international team of researchers from Harvard University USA has said…

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Caution! Gen Z and Millennials are at risk of 17 types of cancer, shocking revelation in Lancet study

Caution! Gen Z and Millennials are at risk of 17 types of cancer, shocking revelation in Lancet study

Cancer Risk : Cancer cases are increasing rapidly all over the world including India. Every year a large number of people fall prey to this dangerous and fatal disease. In this disease, cells start growing uncontrollably and take the form of tumor or cancer. There are many reasons for this. Lifestyle is the most prominent among them. Meanwhile, a shocking revelation has been made. A new study has found that Generation Z and Millennials are at a very high risk of 17 types of cancer. Let’s find out who are…

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half of Indians are physically unfit, know what Lancet study said

half of Indians are physically unfit, know what Lancet study said

Health Studies: A recent Lancet study says that more than half of the Indian population is not physically active. The Lancet study has expressed concern over Indians being physically unfit and said that the day is not far when more than sixty percent of the Indian population will fall prey to problems caused by lack of physical activity. This study published in Global Health says that more than half of India’s population is not able to meet the guidelines of adequate physical activity set by the World Health Organization (WHO).…

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people are more affected by heat wave know how to prevent it

people are more affected by heat wave know how to prevent it

Heat Wave: North India, which is eagerly waiting for the monsoon, is currently battling severe heat. Many states including Delhi, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan are scorching with heat wave. Heat wave has a very bad effect on health as it causes heat stroke and dehydration. We all know that children and the elderly are more susceptible to heat waves than adults, so we need to take special care of them. But recently a study was conducted on this in which a shocking revelation was made. This study tells who…

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