A large glass-like object found in the desert, police confused as to what to do with it? Strange reason given for removing it!

The phenomenon of stones of a specific shape suddenly appearing in the desert like smooth glass is not new. This had stopped happening in the last few years. But recently, the sighting of such a thing has created a stir again. The police have removed the strange monolith that appeared in the desert near Las Vegas, which has been a cause of trouble for it. The 77-inch-high and 13-inch-wide triangular structure, which reflects light like a mirror, caused a police uproar when it appeared out of nowhere last week. It…

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This ‘magical’ mirror is a unique miracle of AI, it predicts health by looking at your face, can tell when you will die!

Anura MagicMirror: Work is being done at a very fast pace in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Now an AI mirror has come, whose name is ‘Anura Magic Mirror’. This mirror is very amazing, because it can predict your health just by looking at your face. Also, if it thinks that you are about to die, it can also warn you, so it would not be wrong to say that this mirror is really another unique miracle of AI. The Anura MagicMirror is a 21.5-inch tablet-mirror hybrid that uses…

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