An animal was caught in the clutches of 3 crocodiles in the river, one had grabbed it tightly, then a miracle happened, it survived like this!

It is said that one should not make an enemy of a crocodile while living in water. This is because one cannot tell when it will attack its prey and make it its prey in no time. But this saying is not true every time. Sometimes the crocodile itself becomes the prey, and sometimes the prey escapes from its clutches very easily. One such video is going viral on social media, in which a wildebeest, an animal of the deer species, gets trapped in the clutches of 3 crocodiles. That…

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OMG: The person became ‘alive’ during the last rites, people started running after seeing it, know how this ‘miracle’ happened

Have you ever thought about what your own funeral would be like, or who might come? Will friends come or not, who among the relatives will come. Well, a Brazilian man faked his own death to find out. To test his family and friends, he got his fake autopsy done while he was still alive. Didn’t even tell the family members. This act of his is being discussed on social media. According to the report of Daily Mail, the name of this person who faked his death is Baltazar Lemos.…

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OMG: Throwing the key of the car was heavy, spoiled the beauty of the woman, her face became bloody

We all have a hobby of throwing the keys of the car. Whenever we park our car, we move forward as soon as we toss the key. But in Canada, this hobby became overwhelming for a woman. The key fell on his face and the whole face was covered in blood. According to the Daily Mail report, 24-year-old Renee Lariviere, who lives in northern Canada, was preparing to go to McDonald’s. She also took one of her friends along and got down from the apartment to get the car. His…

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After all, why did the 29-year-old woman come to study in the children’s school, the birth certificate was also made fake, the incident will surprise you

You must have heard that women came to teach in children’s schools, but women came to study with children. This is rarely seen. But a woman in America has committed such a crime which hardly anyone has thought about. The age of the woman is 29 years and she used to come to the children’s school to study. For this, he had also made a fake birth certificate. He had shown his age to be around 14-15 years. She was regularly attending classes and meeting children. However, after four days,…

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The dreaded animal came outside the house, people closed the doors in panic, know where the matter is

What will you do if you go out for a walk from home and see a ten feet tall dreaded animal roaming on the road in front of you? Got goosebumps on hearing this. Something similar happened in a colony in Australia. When a large crocodile entered the colony. People got so scared that they started closing the windows and doors of the houses. In fact, there was a severe flood in Western Australia in the past. Because of this, all kinds of wild and aquatic animals are entering the…

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The snake ran to swallow the chameleon, then got confused after seeing the ‘artwork’, the video is very exciting

Chameleon Fights Back at Striking Snake by Changing Colour: The enmity between some animals is quite famous. One of such enemy pairs is the enmity between the snake and the mongoose. Well, you must have seen them fighting many times, but today we will show you a snake fighting with a chameleon. The snake is attacking the chameleon from behind, but after a while it itself starts to look confused. The snake, considering it weak, tried its best to make the chameleon its morsel, but the chameleon confused it by…

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Suddenly the crocodile attacked the buffalo, then to save himself it fought with death, it will give goosebumps VIDEO

Wildlife Viral Video: There is no dearth of content on social media and hundreds of videos are seen everyday. Although hardly anyone stays on every video, but there are some videos that surprise the viewers. One such video is currently going viral, in which a life and death fight is being seen between a crocodile and a buffalo in the jungle. Every moment of this video is very exciting. Crocodile is also called water monster because it is the king of pond and river in the same way as lion…

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