A man jumped into the sea and was immediately eaten alive by a 9-foot long shark, his frightened wife kept watching silently!

Jumping into the sea is a daring act, but sometimes it can be risky and even fatal. Something similar happened with a man whose one-spot decision cost him his life. When he jumped into the sea from the dock, an unexpected shark lurking below attacked him. The sad part of the whole incident was that his wife could do nothing but watch as an eyewitness. The splashes of water caused by Thaddeus Kubinski’s jump provoked the animal to attack, tearing large pieces of its torso off and turning the water…

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In many cities, there is terror of crows, they make the whole city dark, people do not leave their houses due to fear!

Can a country be troubled by birds? Yes, it is so. In not just one but several cities of a country, groups of a particular bird are creating a lot of terror. The situation is such that even the government is unable to find a way to deal with them. In the cities of South Korea, there is terror of gangs of ‘intelligent’ crows, who are cutting off electricity and attacking the residents. It is said that Koreans are living in fear due to the increase in attacks by crows,…

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The man’s friend got an iPhone from the company, but it did not have a camera, people were shocked to know the reason, a debate broke out!

Can a premium phone like the iPhone be without a phone? If you think this is not possible, then this news is for you. A person has made this shocking claim on social media. Along with his claim, he has shared pictures of an iPhone which shows an iPhone that actually does not have a camera. These pictures are being discussed a lot and have given birth to a new debate. A photo of the strange device was shared online, with the anonymous user showing its smooth black back without…

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A new twist in the story of alien mummies, study claims, these are the remains of another creature centuries old

The story of the so-called ‘alien mummies’ found in a remote region of South America has taken a new twist as research now suggests they are actually biological creatures. In January, forensic experts from Peru’s prosecutor’s office said the objects found in the Nazca region were made of paper, glue, metal and human and animal bones. The objects were reportedly found by local farmers in 2017 and were later brought to the attention of researchers. They were reported to have unusual features, including elongated skulls and three-fingered hands, sparking speculation…

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The world will not end due to nuclear war or virus, this is how it will end, scientist warns, tells what is the real danger!

How will the world be destroyed? This question is taken seriously by everyone, from common man to scientists. In such a situation, different kinds of speculations are made, some consider nuclear war to be the reason, while some consider viruses like Covid-19 to be the reason. But a scientist has claimed something different apart from these two. This microbiologist says that the great destruction caused by fungus can wipe out humans. Arturo Casadevall, a professor of molecular microbiology, immunology and infectious diseases, says that scenes like the ones in the…

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A large glass-like object found in the desert, police confused as to what to do with it? Strange reason given for removing it!

The phenomenon of stones of a specific shape suddenly appearing in the desert like smooth glass is not new. This had stopped happening in the last few years. But recently, the sighting of such a thing has created a stir again. The police have removed the strange monolith that appeared in the desert near Las Vegas, which has been a cause of trouble for it. The 77-inch-high and 13-inch-wide triangular structure, which reflects light like a mirror, caused a police uproar when it appeared out of nowhere last week. It…

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This man ‘chills’ with crocodiles, has performed stunts with them in many movies, now this is his goal!

This man feeds hot dogs to alligators from his mouth and can handle them blindfolded. The fearless wildlife expert who calls himself the ‘Gator Crusader’ is on a mission to show the world that alligators are amazing and claims he is not weird despite his antics. Michael Womer from Florida has gone viral after filming his daring exploits with the deadly reptiles. He lives around his companions like he is chilling with friends on the beach. His repertoire includes everything from feeding dangerous animals from his mouth “Lady and the…

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105 year old woman achieved masters degree, she had left her studies 80 years ago, you will be surprised to know the reason!

After leaving college, many people start saying that this is not the age to study. Many people continue their studies while working, while many women continue their studies after marriage or along with their children’s studies. But is it possible that someone’s studies are left in between and then they can complete their degree after decades? Yes, this has happened. A woman obtained her master’s degree at the age of 80 years and 105 years. Virginia Ginny Hislop of America has earned her master’s degree from the Stanford Graduate School…

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The village where you will find all kinds of ghosts! People do not open the door at night, who is alive – this is the biggest tension

An entire village located an hour away from one of the world’s most modern and largest cities is said to be haunted. Pluckley is an ordinary village near London. It seems like any other quiet village, but if you dig a little deeper into its history, you find horrifying stories of murder, ghosts and goblins. It is famous for being one of the most haunted places in Britain, named by the Guinness Book of World Records in 1989. Pluckley has a long history of brutal and ruthless murders. Ghosts have…

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There was a secret door in the room, the students were trying to open the lock for several days, the sight inside blew everyone’s mind!

What if you are trying to open the lock of a mysterious door in your room? And what if after opening it you see something that reminds you of a scary scene from a movie? Will you get scared or will you burst out laughing? Exactly the same situation happened with a university student when he, along with his friends, opened a mysterious locked door in his bedroom. The sight of the room blew the students’ minds and people also reacted to its pictures on social media. When the students…

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