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A new twist in the story of alien mummies, study claims, these are the remains of another creature centuries old

The story of the so-called 'alien mummies' found in a remote region of South America…

The world will not end due to nuclear war or virus, this is how it will end, scientist warns, tells what is the real danger!

How will the world be destroyed? This question is taken seriously by everyone, from common…

A large glass-like object found in the desert, police confused as to what to do with it? Strange reason given for removing it!

The phenomenon of stones of a specific shape suddenly appearing in the desert like smooth…

This man ‘chills’ with crocodiles, has performed stunts with them in many movies, now this is his goal!

This man feeds hot dogs to alligators from his mouth and can handle them blindfolded.…

105 year old woman achieved masters degree, she had left her studies 80 years ago, you will be surprised to know the reason!

After leaving college, many people start saying that this is not the age to study.…