UK got a heatwave warning of 26 C, people in India said, we keep the temperature of AC at this much…

In India, anything above 40 degrees Celsius is considered too hot. But there are many countries in the world where if the temperature is more than 25 degrees, it is considered to be extremely hot. Recently, an announcement by the UK Meteorological Department is in the news. There, a heatwave alert has been announced as the temperature is expected to reach 26 degrees Celsius by the end of June. People of India have given funny reactions on social media to this warning, because here many people set the temperature of…

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The man was wrapped around a python, then when the camera went close he got relief, people said, ‘One wrong move and the bro is gone!’

Some videos on social media are made only for the purpose of increasing likes, but one feels sorry after watching their content. At the same time, some people try to add suspense in their videos in a filmy style. In their video, something is seen in the beginning and then later there is some other surprise. Sometimes people like this surprise very much, while sometimes people strongly dislike it. Perhaps this is difficult to decide in a viral video in which a person is wrapped around a huge python. Pythons…

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This area was once the pride of space launching, now it is no less than hell in the scorching desert, a death drew attention

Time changes the fate of not only humans but also famous places. An example of this is the Baikonur Cosmodrome Spaceport in Kazakhstan, once upon a time it used to be the famous space port of the Soviet Union. But recently, horrific pictures of the abandoned cosmodrome have surfaced. On June 11, a 25-year-old man died while trying to walk to the same Baikonur Cosmodrome Spaceport located in the middle of the scorching heat of the desert. This incident has once again brought this cosmodrome in the headlines in the…

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The woman was staying in a hotel, when she returned home and saw the pictures she could not believe it, asked people after 19 years!

There are many claims of seeing a ghost, but sometimes there are also claims of taking a picture of the ghost. One such woman has done this. She has shared a picture of herself taken during a vacation, in which she believes two ghosts are visible. While some people believed that these pictures are ghosts, some also expressed their doubts. Kata Hajdu shared the picture in the Ghosts Caught on Camera group on Facebook and said that she took this picture 19 years ago, when she was 24 years old…

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Video: Couple has been living in the forest for 50 years, raised their children here, also stay away from Google TV!

Today people find life difficult even in rural areas without amenities, and there a couple tells what it’s like to live in the wilderness for 50 years. Dano and Robin have lived together in a wooden plank house in the Waialua Valley on Molokai, Hawaii since the late 1970s. About 20 miles from the nearest town, and far from traffic lights or big shops, they have perfected their home over the decades and haven’t looked back. The couple hasn’t watched TV in over 30 years and say they stay away…

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A person claimed to have found a nuclear city, he searched using Google Earth, people also made their claims, but…

There are many discussions on whether aliens exist or not or whether they have any secret hideouts in the world. Many people keep searching Google Earth and other apps or websites to find such hideouts. But recently a post has gone viral on social media in which a person has claimed that he has obtained evidence of nuclear explosions i.e. testing at a place often in controversy. After this, many users also shared their claims. But there is another aspect to this. Interestingly, the area where the claim is made,…

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Viral Video: After getting bitten by a snake, the man kept saying on the show, nothing will happen, God will save him, but something else happened

There are many people in the world who are not afraid of snakes and walk with them hanging around their necks as if they are silk ropes. At times, these snakes become dangerous. Recently, a special video is going viral on the internet. It shows how a person who repeatedly claimed that God himself protects him from snake bites was killed during a show. In this shocking show, this person is Jamie Coots After being bitten eight times in 20 years, Jamie Coots believed he had divine powers. His stunts…

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The boy requested Delhi Police to find his girlfriend, got a funny reply, people had a lot of fun

On social media, people not only share their views and suggestions, but now, to become famous, they also ask strange questions to celebrities. Many times, such questions are also asked to government departments. Usually, departments do not pay attention to such questions. But recently, a tweet made by Delhi Police is in discussion. Actually, this tweet is a funny answer to a strange question, which has made headlines after Delhi Police shared it. On the X platform, a person had asked Delhi Police, “When will you get me a girlfriend…?…

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After 8 surgeries, the man’s face changed so much that he started looking 30 years younger than his age, people said, ‘Really, it’s amazing!’

Middle-aged and elderly people have always wanted to look young. For this, various types of ointments, creams, medicines etc. have been in vogue for centuries. Plastic surgery has also become popular in the last few decades. But no one can claim 100 percent success in this as well. But a plastic surgeon from Turkey is in the news these days. He has brought about an extraordinary change in a man’s face. Many people believe that now the man has started looking “30 years younger”. Talking about their work, Este Med…

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When asked to lower the volume of loud music, he had to apologize; the woman asked, ‘What did I do wrong?’

The meaning of politeness changes in every culture. In some cultures, not hugging or shaking hands is considered rude, while in others, especially with women, it is considered rude to make eye contact. A strange incident happened with a young woman. She politely requested another woman in a coffee shop to lower the volume of a loud video. But instead, she was asked to apologize! The young woman could not understand what her mistake was. While this woman and her boyfriend were trying to work quietly in the back room…

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