Why do hands and feet remain cold in winter? Know the ways to overcome it

  Children and elderly people feel more cold during winter season. But some people feel more cold in their hands and feet than other parts of the body. However, the design of our body is such that the body temperature remains balanced. Today we will tell you why some people feel cold in their hands and feet.  Let us tell you that when the temperature outside the body remains very low, in that situation our body Ensures that blood flow to the vital organs of the body is maintained. So…

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AI Helps Paralyzed Man Walk Through His Thoughts By Building A Digital Bridge BW Brain And Spinal Cord

AI helps paralyzed man walk: This year, Artificial Intelligence has made its own identity in the market. Every day some or the other news is coming out regarding AI. Till now, with the help of AI, news was coming out about reading the human mind and interpreting dreams. But now another amazing charisma of AI has been seen. Actually, some researchers cured a person who was paralyzed for 12 years with the help of AI and now he can walk easily. In the coming times, AI is going to play…

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