life after death

The girl was dead for 3 hours, came back to life and said – ‘I had reached the other world, I have met God’

Our life is so strange that some incidents are unbelievable. Some people make such claims…

Woman died due to lightning, then suddenly came alive! Claimed- ‘I am living a second life, I can see the future’

Some things in the world are so strange that we cannot even think about them.…

Does the power of speech go away before death? Know what science says

Even if people try to say something before dying, they are unable to do so.…

Everyone sees this thing before they die! The nurse revealed, said – such people come to console

A person always speaks the truth at the time of death. But many people would…

For how long can an organ be transplanted after death? Know how much time each organ has?

When someone dies, his organs can become a chance for a new life for someone…

Heart beat had stopped, but after 50 minutes the person became alive again, doctors were stunned to see

Dead people are not alive, but many such stories come to light which raise questions…

Woman comes back to life 6 days after death! The soul of those who had kept it in the coffin trembled after seeing it…

The biggest truth of life is death. Once someone dies, it is impossible for him…

Garuda Purana Lord Vishnu Niti Know These Important Points Of Garuda Purana Structure

Garuda Purana Lord Vishnu Niti in Hindi: Garuda Purana is considered an important scripture of…