Lifestyle and Relationship

thighs are one of the most stubborn areas of fat in human body

In summer and rainy season, most people prefer to wear shorts, half pants, pyjama like…

Vegan Diet: What is veganism, know how beneficial it is for health

Veganism is a vegetarian diet in which no animals or their products are used. Vegan…

Why are platelets important for our body, what diseases apart from dengue are dangerous

A healthy person's body has 5-6 liters of blood. It is made up of white-red…

Why do stones occur in gall bladder, due to which even Bharti Singh was worried? Know the reason for this

There are some special organs in our body whose work is not special but if…

Consuming this thing in breakfast will keep the body energetic, it is also a good diet for health.

To keep themselves fit, people do gym, diet, exercise, morning walk and many more. In…

disadvantages of oil and spicy food it can harm your body know more

Often people prefer eating outside. Be it Chinese or South Indian people like spicy only.…

Are you also getting used in the relationship? These are the signs

It is very important to have transparency, trust and love in any relationship, but when…

Why shouldn’t men take their phones to the toilet? Doctors told the scientific reason, said – this habit is fatal

People have got addicted to the phone in such a way that from the time…

Shukra Gochar 2023 Venus Transit In These Zodiac Signs Will Give Benefits To Gemini Virgo Pisces

Shukra Gochar 2023, Venus Transit 2023 : The planet Venus is seen by associating it…

Daily Fight In Your House Then Gupt Navratri 2023 Can Get Rid Of Home Troubles Know Navratri Upay Puja Totke

Gupt Navratri 2023: Gupt Navratri is starting from 22 January 2023, Sunday. During this, the…