Now there will be challan for not registering the lift, where and how to do life, applied for it

Now there will be challan for not registering the lift, where and how to do life, applied for it

Lift registration in noida: Accidents often occur in the lift. Many times people go into these accidents till people. Many such accidents have been seen in the last few months. In view of this, on 26 December 2024, the Lift Act was implemented in Noida, Uttar Pradesh. But this act has been implemented, so far 6 months have passed. And till now only one percent lift has been registered. The district administration of Noida has started work to strictly implement the Lift Act. All lift operators have been given aโ€ฆ

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You must have also seen mirrors inside the lift do you know the reason behind the presence of mirrors

You must have also seen mirrors inside the lift do you know the reason behind the presence of mirrors

You must have seen a lift in buildings, malls or other buildings in the big cities of the country at some time or the other. Most people use the lift to go to the floor of any tall building. But you all must have seen a common thing inside most lifts. Often there is a mirror installed inside the lift. Do you know why a mirror is installed inside the lift? Today we will tell you the reason for having a mirror installed inside the lift. Elevator Most of youโ€ฆ

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How much weight can any person in the world lift at one go know what science says

How much weight can any person in the world lift at one go know what science says

Among all the games in Paris Olympic Games, there is a lot of craze for weightlifting game. Most of the people around the world like to watch weightlifting game. But while watching weightlifting game, do you also think that how much maximum weight can a person lift in one go? Today we will tell you how much weight any person can lift in one go. Weightlifting In weightlifting games, you must have seen that players lift a lot of weight. But does it ever come to your mind that howโ€ฆ

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