Why does red color in traffic lights mean stop Why is no other color used

You must have seen traffic signals in every city. All traffic signals have three colors. Which are red, green and yellow. But have you ever wondered why vehicles always stop at the red signal. Let us tell you that there is a main reason behind using red, yellow and green lights in traffic signals. According to a report by Live Science, the colors used in traffic signals initially were based on the navigation system of ships. Ships had red and green signals. By looking at these, the crew of the…

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Does coloring the glass of buses prevent sunlight from coming in Know the reason behind this

Everyone is taking different measures to avoid the scorching heat and strong sunlight. You too must have seen colors applied on the glass mirrors of many buses during the journey. But have you ever wondered why the glass of the bus is colored? After all, what is the reason behind this? Today we will tell you why the mirrors of buses are painted. sun rays During summer, most people are troubled by sunlight. Sun rays fall directly on the glass of vehicles, due to which the heat becomes more intense.…

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