John B Goodenough Dies At The Age Of 100 Invented Lithium Ion Batteries In 1980

John B Goodenough Dies At The Age Of 100 Invented Lithium Ion Batteries In 1980

John B. Goodenough: The credit for the smartphone that we are running all the time today goes to John B. Goodenough because John discovered the Lithium-ion battery. For this he was awarded the Nobel Prize in 2019. Due to John, today we are able to use lithium-ion batteries in smartphones, cars, laptops, tablets etc. In 1980, John B. Goodenough, while working at the University of Oxford, made a major breakthrough by developing a battery with a lithium-cobalt-oxide cathode. He improved upon the design of the battery developed by Dr. Whittingham,…

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How Lithium-ion Battery Works, Why It’s Rechargeable

How Lithium-ion Battery Works, Why It’s Rechargeable

A Lithium-ion battery is a type of rechargeable battery used in a variety of devices such as mobile phones, laptops, electric vehicles, and battery-powered devices. This battery uses Lithium Ion which is present in the battery in an ionic form and acts as an electrolyte. Have you ever wondered how this battery works and why it gets charged again? If not, then let’s understand. Lithium-ion battery has two electrodes There are two major electrodes in a battery – a positive electrode and a negative electrode. The positive electrode consists of…

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