Know how dangerous a disease liver cancer is, what are the symptoms, how to prevent it.

Know how dangerous a disease liver cancer is, what are the symptoms, how to prevent it.

Liver Cancer: Liver cancer is a very dangerous and fatal disease. This is increasing the concern of the whole world. Many cases of this are being seen in India also. According to health experts, the ratio of liver cancer cases in India between men and women is 4:1. Out of 1 lakh men, the risk of this cancer is 0.7 to 7.5 percent, whereas among women, the risk is 0.2 to 2.2 percent per 1 lakh. According to experts, deaths due to liver cancer are a matter of concern. About…

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If you symptoms at night do not ignore them it could be a sign of liver damage

If you symptoms at night do not ignore them it could be a sign of liver damage

Nowadays, due to deteriorating lifestyle and unhealthy eating habits, the liver is getting damaged. This is the reason why these days most of the people are troubled by some kind of liver related problem. Therefore, there is a need to take special care of liver health. Some symptoms of liver damage are visible at night. If these symptoms (Liver Damage Signs) are identified in time, the liver can be protected from damage. Know what are the 5 signs of liver damage at night… Itching in the skin can occur due…

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world liver day 2024 liver disease signs symptoms treatment in hindi

world liver day 2024 liver disease signs symptoms treatment in hindi

World Liver Day 2024: Due to bad lifestyle and poor diet, liver diseases are increasing rapidly. The number of people dying from its diseases is also continuously increasing. Since now even young people are falling prey to dangerous diseases like cirrhosis and liver failure, to make them aware, World Liver Day is celebrated every year on 19th April. According to WHO data released in 2017, more than 2.60 lakh people have died due to liver cirrhosis in India, which is 3 percent of the total deaths. Globally, India accounts for…

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Not only alcohol these things also damage the liver

If you symptoms at night do not ignore them it could be a sign of liver damage

To stay healthy, health experts have been advocating a healthy liver. Healthy liver maintains the health of your entire body but bad liver becomes the cause of many other problems along with it. In such a situation, it is often said that drinking too much alcohol has a bad effect on the liver because alcohol is said to be bad for the liver. But do you know that liver health cannot be maintained only by quitting alcohol. Actually, there are some other things whose consumption causes significant damage to the…

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Not all seafood is healthy! Chemical reactions occur in the body after eating something: Study

Not all seafood is healthy!  Chemical reactions occur in the body after eating something: Study

According to a study, today’s seas are becoming dirtier day by day. The sea is full of industrial chemicals. In such a situation, eating excessive seafood can be very dangerous for health. Per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). These are such chemicals that once they enter the body, they gradually cause chemical reactions and increase the risk of many serious diseases in the body.   Researchers at the Geisel School of Medicine of Dartmouth College in the UK say that even though you are increasing the level of omega-3 in the body…

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disadvantages of oil and spicy food it can harm your body know more

disadvantages of oil and spicy food it can harm your body know more

Often people prefer eating outside. Be it Chinese or South Indian people like spicy only. These days, the craze of eating spicy food has increased among everyone from children to old people. But do you know that eating too much oily and spicy food can prove dangerous for your health? Sometimes spicy food is okay, but consuming such food daily is harmful for health. Oil consumption is dangerous Often women increase the amount of oil while cooking, so that the food tastes delicious, but doing so can be very dangerous.…

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Why does alcohol attack the liver leaving aside the rest of the body, the doctor told the surprising reason

Why does alcohol attack the liver leaving aside the rest of the body, the doctor told the surprising reason

  People who drink alcohol in excess often approach the doctor with liver problems. But have you ever wondered why alcohol attacks only the liver instead of other parts of the body? While talking to the media, a doctor has given some information regarding the liver. Today we will tell you why alcohol attacks the liver.  Arguments of those who drink alcohol People who drink alcohol often do many things in their mind. Let’s argue. Some people also say that alcohol melts the extra fat in the stomach. Some thin…

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If the liver is getting damaged then signs start appearing on the body, understand this before the problem becomes bigger.

If the liver is getting damaged then signs start appearing on the body, understand this before the problem becomes bigger.

Liver is an important part of our body. It can be effective in cleaning the dirt present in our body. With its help you can cure many diseases. In such a situation, if the liver stops working properly then you may face many serious problems. Yes, that is why it is very important to protect the liver. At the same time, if you have any problem related to liver, then in this situation contact the doctor immediately. There are some symptoms that may indicate liver failure. Let us know about…

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study found fatty liver may increase due to metabolic disorder know here

study found fatty liver may increase due to metabolic disorder know here

Fatty Liver: Fatty liver is a rapidly increasing disease in the world, the cause of which is said to be unbalanced eating habits and excessive drinking of alcohol. A recent study has revealed that poor metabolism can also be a major cause of fatty liver. This study, conducted in 11 districts of the capital Delhi under the ILBS survey, shows that one out of every two people above 18 years of age is a victim of Metabolic Associated Fatty Liver Disease (MAFLD). Let us know what has been revealed in…

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In How Many Days Can The Liver Get Damaged By Drinking Alcohol Daily Know What Are The Symptoms

In How Many Days Can The Liver Get Damaged By Drinking Alcohol Daily Know What Are The Symptoms

We all know that drinking alcohol is injurious to health. Drinking too much alcohol also damages the liver quickly. In such a situation, the question arises that why does alcohol affect the liver more? Apart from this, in how many days can drinking too much alcohol cause liver damage? Today we will tell you about it. liver vital organ It is noteworthy that liver is the most important organ of our body, when it gets damaged, many types of problems start occurring in the body. If it gets spoiled then…

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