lose weight

If you are a heart patient and have increased weight, then control it like this, otherwise bad cholesterol can take your life.

Obesity multiplies the risk of heart-related problems like heart attack, stroke and heart failure. In…

weight loss tips reduce 5 kg weight before Diwali through these exercises

Bodyweight Squats: Squats are a great lower-body workout that works your core. Stand like a…

From injections to medicines… can obesity really be eliminated in one go?

Obesity has become a big problem these days. Everyone tries new tricks to reduce it.…

Incorporate These Five Zero Calorie Foods into Your Diet and Watch Your Weight Drop Effortlessly

Obesity has become a common problem in today's lifestyle. People's weight is increasing due to…

Drink Bay Leaves Boiled In Water In The Morning You Will Get Many Health Benefits

Bay leaf is a herb which is easily available in our kitchen. Bay leaf is…

If You Want To Reduce The Belly Fat Then Start Eating Avocado Sandwich In Breakfast

Burn Belly Fat With Avocado: These days a super food is becoming famous very fast…

Eating Roti And Rice Really Lead To Weight Gain Know What Is The Truth

Increasing weight or obesity causes many serious diseases. Your bad cholesterol level can increase due…

Housewife Women Also Can Reduce Their Weight Just Include These Things In Your Routine

Weight Loss Tips For Housewife Women: These days a large number of women are troubled…

Why Fennel Seeds Work On Weight Loss Keep Your Heart Healthy

Be it any kind of party or must have gone to eat in a restaurant.…

Is Urine Good For Health And It Cure So Many Diseases In Health

Many times doctors advise that drinking juice will make you feel better or drinking fruit…