America Odysseus lander lands on Moon south pole NASA said sending weak signal

America Moon Mission: Commercial American spacecraft Odysseus Lunar Lander has successfully landed on the South Pole of the Moon while sending signals, but information has been received about sending weak signals. Intuitive Machines, a private company engaged in this mission, said that a commercial spacecraft landed near the south pole of the Moon, but the controller was receiving signals from the hexagon-shaped lander Odysseus. The photo of the Odysseli lander has also been shared by Intuitive Machines. “We are trying to understand the signals we are receiving from the Odysseus…

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China Will Use 3D Printing Technology To Build Habitats In Moon

Life On Moon: One example of how technology is changing is that now some countries are thinking of building shelters on the moon instead of land. America is already working in this direction. Now China has also joined this race. China wants to send humans (astronauts) to the moon by 2030. In a report of China Daily, it has been said that China will initially use 3D printing to build houses and buildings on the moon. For this, China will use ITO made of lunar soil through robotic “Mason”. China…

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