The dam of patience broke due to long lunch, the boss threw the employee out, people got angry, but the reality…

The relationship between the boss and the employees in the office is not always good. Many times this also becomes the reason for losing the job. However, if an employee wants to be fired, the boss may have many reasons. Like his not working properly, coming late, ignoring the boss’s words… etc. But a boss fired his employee just because she was taking lunch late. As soon as this news came out, people got angry on social media. But when people came to know the truth, everyone praised the boss.…

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The employee took the lunch break, so the company fired him! Now the court has given compensation

Worker fired for taking lunch break: Every company has its own policies and they make different rules and regulations for their employees. Some of these policies are in the interest of the employees, while sometimes there are some such policies, which create problems for the employees. Something similar happened with a person who went on lunch break without informing his seniors, instead of which he lost his job. This incident happened in the year 2018 in Oxford. Here, an employee working in BMW named Ryan Parkinson took an hour’s lunch…

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