Kaju-Katli also β€˜fails’ in front of this sweet, your mouth will water after seeing it, the rate is also low

Kaju-Katli also β€˜fails’ in front of this sweet, your mouth will water after seeing it, the rate is also low

Bharat Chaubey/ Sitamarhi: Bihari cuisine has its own unique identity. Bihari cuisine is famous in the country and abroad for this specialty. Today we will talk about Runnisaidpur of Sitamarhi. A visit to Sitamarhi is also considered incomplete without tasting the delicious sweet β€˜Balushahi’. This traditional sweet plays an important role in showcasing the uniqueness of Runnisaidpur and is made in sugar syrup with a specific proportion of semolina along with chhena at a very economical rate. The specialty of this sweet is that it does not spoil even for…

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