Magh Purnima 2023: The full moon of Magh month is falling on 5 February 2023. Ravipushya Yoga is being formed on this day. Ravipushya Yoga is one of our 27 Nakshatras, so it is considered very auspicious to start a good work on this day. Money will be gained through this remedyIf the moon is not favorable in your birth chart and the condition of mental disturbance, tension-depression persists, then at the time of moonrise, add sugar and rice to the raw milk of the cow and give arghya while…
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Magh Purnima 2023 4th February 2023 A Rare Coincidence Worship Lord Vishnu
Magh Purnima 2023: This year, the full moon of Magh month is falling on 4 February 2023. Magh month Magh Purnima Tithi will start from 9:29 pm on February 4, 2023 and will remain till 11:58 pm on February 5. Also, considering the rise date, Magh Purnima will be celebrated on February 5, 2023. The sun is the basis of life, the factor of the soul and the symbol of self-confidence, while the moon is the factor of the mind. If Sun increases our confidence, then Moon keeps the mind…
Read MoreMagh Purnima 2023 Date Muhurat Auspicious Mahasanyog Know Importance Of Lord Vishnu Puja Snan And Daan
Magh Purnima 2023 Snan, Puja and Mahayog: Sun is the basis of life, the factor of soul and the symbol of self-confidence. So there the moon is the factor of the mind. Sun increases our self-confidence and Moon keeps the mind calm. According to the scriptures, the moon has the right on the full moon date. All the 12 full moons that fall in the entire 12 months of the year have their own importance. On the day when Moon enters Cancer and Sun enters Capricorn, Magha Purnima or Maghi…
Read MoreMagh Purnima 2023 Date Puja Vidhi Muhurat Upay In Ravi Pushya Yog
Magh Purnima 2023 Remedy: Among all the full moons that occur every month, Magh Purnima has been described as special in the scriptures. Maghi Purnima day is very auspicious for everything from bath-donation to worship-recitation and remedies. This year Magh Purnima will fall on 5 February 2023. At the same time, there will be many auspicious and rare yogas on this day. The works done in this yoga are successful and successful. auspicious yoga on magha purnima On the day of Magha Purnima, Moon, Guru and Saturn, all these three…
Read MoreMagh Purnima 2023 These Four Zodiac Sign To Blessing Lakshmi Ji Get Profit On Maghi Purnima
Magh Purnima 2023, Zodiac Sign: According to the Panchang, there is a full moon on the last date of the month. At present the month of Magha is going on. The last date of Magh month i.e. Maghi Purnima will fall on 05 February 2023. Magh Purnima has special importance in all Purnima. On this day, there is a ritual of Ganga bath, donation, worship and fasting. There is a religious belief regarding Magh Purnima that on this day even the deities come to visit the earth. According to astrology,…
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