food hotel like butter khichdi at home know this special recipe

food hotel like butter khichdi at home know this special recipe

If you are also bored of eating simple khichdi at home, then this news is for you. Now you can prepare tasty butter khichdi in less time. Today we will tell you such a recipe, by following which you can eat something special and new. Butter khichdi is a dish that is liked by everyone from children to the elderly. In such a situation, if you also want to make a special and wonderful dish, then follow this special recipe. Ingredients for making Butter Khichdi To make tasty and unique…

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Sweeten your loved ones with sesame pudding on Makar Sankranti, the happiness of the festival will increase, follow this recipe

Sweeten your loved ones with sesame pudding on Makar Sankranti, the happiness of the festival will increase, follow this recipe

highlights Sesame pudding rich in fiber is beneficial for health. There is special importance of eating things made of sesame on Makar Sankranti. Til Ki Kheer Recipe: On the day of Makar Sankranti, the mouth of loved ones can be sweetened by making Kheer made of sesame seeds. Eating things made of sesame is considered to be of special importance on this festival. Sesame kheer is not only full of taste, but it is also very beneficial in terms of health. Apart from being nutritious, Sesame Kheer is rich in…

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Makar Sankranti To Make Traditional Recipes

Makar Sankranti To Make Traditional Recipes

Makar Sankranti 2023: year 2023 Festivals have started. The holy festival of Makar Sankranti will be celebrated across the country on 15 January 2023. This festival marks the beginning of the harvest season. As soon as the sun starts moving north and enters Makara Rashi, also known as Makar in Hindi, the days start getting longer. Some of the highlights of the festival of Makar Sankranti include flying kites, wearing yellow clothes and enjoying sweet and savory dishes with the family. Food is an essential part of Indian festivals, so…

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Til Chikki Recipe: Make traditional Til Chikki on Makar Sankranti, it will be ready in 15 minutes, easy recipe

Til Chikki Recipe: Make traditional Til Chikki on Makar Sankranti, it will be ready in 15 minutes, easy recipe

highlights There is importance of making things made of sesame and jaggery on the festival of Makar Sankranti. Traditional Til Chikki can be prepared in minutes on Makar Sankranti. Til Chikki Recipe: Things made of sesame and jaggery are considered very important on Makar Sankranti. Traditional Til Chakki is made specially during this festival. Til chakki prepared from jaggery and sesame is not only delicious in taste but also beneficial for health. The festival of Makar Sankranti will be celebrated on January 15 this year. If you also want to…

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