The person who saw the world 800 years ago, told what will be special this year, mark 5 dates

The person who saw the world 800 years ago, told what will be special this year, mark 5 dates

Do you believe in predictions? If you will find many such people in India, then they believe in showing the future. These people go to astrologers and get their future predicted. If we talk about science, then many scientists are trying to make a time machine. It is believed that if a time machine is made, man will be able to travel to the past and future. However, it has not been successful so far. But you will find some such people on social media, who say that they have…

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Not due to meteorite collision, this is how the end of the world will happen! The person who returned from the future made a sensational claim

Not due to meteorite collision, this is how the end of the world will happen!  The person who returned from the future made a sensational claim

You must have heard many times about the end of the world. Sometimes according to the Mayan calendar and sometimes in the predictions of some astrologer. But till date no such prediction has been proved correct. People even believe in them. Scientists do not even reject all these claims. There is a special reason for this. Actually, the way dinosaurs were destroyed from the world due to the collision of meteorites, according to scientists, this can happen again. And this time humans will have to bear the consequences. From time…

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