The king of a big kingdom is buried under this clock tower! Father-in-law had broken son-in-law’s neck, this story is interesting

The king of a big kingdom is buried under this clock tower! Father-in-law had broken son-in-law’s neck, this story is interesting

Market: Mandi city of Himachal Pradesh is also historical. Indira Market is in the center of the city. The clock tower here is the pride of the market. It was inaugurated on 28 February 1939 by Status Forces Military Advisor-in-Chief Sir Arthur M. Milne in the presence of the then King of Mandi State, Jogendra Sen. The history of the place where this clock tower is built is more than 300 years old. This place still keeps the story of enmity between Mandi and Bhangal Risayat fresh. Presently situated in…

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The taste of this vegetable doubles with buttermilk, helpful in overcoming anemia.

The taste of this vegetable doubles with buttermilk, helpful in overcoming anemia.

Mohit Sharma/Karauli. These days, raw gram is in full swing in the market of Karauli city. Wherever you look in the city markets, this raw gram is visible in most of the vegetable stalls. Due to good arrival, city residents are buying it in large quantities. The daily consumption of this raw gram is so much that it seems as if the taste of other vegetables pales in comparison to it. Due to its amazing taste, people are buying this vegetable in large quantities from the market. From health point…

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