According to Hindustan Times report, Girls Will Be Girls actress-turned-producer Richa Chadha says that the Indian film scene needs to get rid of ‘labels’. Richa says, “A producer will say, it is an independent film. A financier will call it a festival film, multiplex film or blockbuster. There are also terms like parallel cinema or women centric. Many new genres are being invented every day. .” According to the report, veteran actress Sharmila Tagore wants the audience to support small and independent films. Regarding this she says, “We say every…
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Mansi Parekh Won best actress award for Kutch Express in 70th national film awards 2024 know her education tv career film career husband daughter
Manasi is an Indian actress, singer, producer and content creator. She started her journey in showbiz from television and ventured into films. Apart from acting, she has also ventured into production and is the producer of Kutch Express. Manasi Parekh was born on 10 July 1986 in Ahmedabad, Gujarat. Her family is culturally rich, due to which Manasi started singing and dancing since childhood. With the support of the family, Manasi also started learning Indian classical dance and theater. She studied English Literature at St. Xavier’s College in Mumbai, during…
Read MoreDear Father Review: If you want to see the importance of editing in a film, watch ‘Dear Father’
Recently a film has been released on Amazon Prime Video – Dear Father. There is a lot of confusion in the audience about this film as to who is its creator. It is shown in the opening credits of the film that the screenplay is written by Aditya Rawal. Dr. Vivek Bele has been named for the original story and screenplay and it has also been written that this film is an adaptation of Gujarat’s famous play writer Uttam Gada’s famous play ‘Dear Father’. Research doesn’t give correct information because…
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