What is the depth of the Pacific Ocean the answer will surprise you

There are seven oceans in the world. Trade takes place all over the world through these seas. Meanwhile, do you know that the deepest ocean in the world is called the Pacific Ocean, but very few people know what is the depth of the Pacific Ocean. If not then let us know. What is the area of ​​the Pacific Ocean?If we talk about the largest ocean, then the name of Pacific Ocean comes on everyone’s tongue, which is known for its huge form. This ocean extends from the North Pole…

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The way to ‘Patal Lok’ is in the sea, the depth is such that even Everest can drown

Since childhood, we have always heard the mention of Patal Lok in stories. But till date, we never got any solid information about that people. Even in our scriptures there is mention of Hades. So is it true that there is a world under this earth also called Paatal Lok, and if it is, where is it? Today we will uncover this mystery in front of you. Mariana Trench is the place where even Everest sinks Mariana Trench is such a deep trench…in which the entire Mount Everest is contained.…

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