7 feet tall beautiful lady is looking for a boyfriend, monthly income is 6 crores, told what qualities should be there!

7 feet tall beautiful lady is looking for a boyfriend, monthly income is 6 crores, told what qualities should be there!

There is a belief in society that a boy should be tall, a girl’s height will do as well if she is a little short. In such a situation, when some girls become tall, it becomes difficult to find the right partner for their marriage. Short boys run away from those girls. Such a problem is not only in India, but also abroad. Some people face difficulties due to their short height, while some face difficulties due to being too tall. But some of these people live on their own…

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The 3 foot tall ‘King’ got a 7 feet tall girlfriend, he lives a carefree life, some people will be jealous!

The 3 foot tall ‘King’ got a 7 feet tall girlfriend, he lives a carefree life, some people will be jealous!

There are many such mismatched couples around the world, which are surprising to see. Some of these people marry a girl 20 years younger than him, while some elderly woman falls in love with a boy 37 years younger than him. But have you ever heard of a 7 feet tall girl having a 3 feet tall boyfriend? Surely, you have not heard. Actually, most girls prefer a boy taller than them. In such a situation, dwarf people look for a dwarf girl so that they can get married. But…

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