Kyrgyzstan Situation is normal know is MBBS study cheaper than India what in Indian Embassy says in hindi

After the attack on foreigners in Bishkek, the capital of Kyrgyzstan, the Indian Embassy has…

Oldest Medical Colleges of India See list here in Hindi

Oldest Medical Colleges: In today's time, the interest of students towards medical education has increased…

Had he been alive, he would have saved thousands of lives. Why are medical students embracing death? This report will surprise you

Medical Students Suicide Cases: In the last few days, the news of suicide of students…

Increasing stress among medical students, 358 students have committed suicide in 5 years

In a study, a shocking data has come out between the years 2010 to 2019.…

​Top Courses Preferred By 12th Pass Out Students Checklist Here

Top Courses: Every student has interest in one or the other field. According to which…