This is the biggest black hole ever, so big that it can contain 28 billion suns simultaneously.

Many questions always arise in people’s minds regarding black holes in space. Like can it reach the earth? Is it so big that even the sun can come out? Let us tell you that scientists have discovered the heaviest black joint ever. Astronomers have measured the mass of a pair of two supermassive black holes with the help of the Gemini North telescope. According to scientists, this is the heaviest black hole among the pairs of supermassive black holes. There is such a place found in India, where the force…

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After all, why is the capacity of the fridge measured in liters what is the science behind it

Nowadays, refrigerator has become a necessity in most of the houses. You must have noticed that when you go to buy a fridge, the shopkeeper asks how many liters of fridge you want. Here the question arises that why does the shopkeeper tell the capacity of the fridge in litres? Today we will tell you why the capacity of the fridge is measured in liters and what is the reason behind it. Know the reason Actually, the capacity of the refrigerator is measured in liters so that it can be…

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