Dangerous Poison: This is the world’s most dangerous poison, just a few drops of which can destroy the entire world’s population.

We get scared as soon as we hear the name of poison. When most people mention dangerous poison, they take the name of cyanide. But do you know that there is an even more dangerous poison present on our earth? One gram of which is enough to put thousands and lakhs of people to sleep. Know which poison is this and who discovered it.  Polonium-210 The poison we are going to tell about today, The name of this poison is Polonium-210. Cyanide poison is nothing compared to polonium. Due to…

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What is the process of naming medicines, know the meaning of the code written on the medicine leaf.

  Medicines have become a necessity in most homes. But the names of medicines are so strange that often people are not able to understand them. But do you know how these medicines are named? Today we will tell you how medicines are named? Understand the whole matter. How is naming done? Whenever a medicine is approved in America, it is given a generic (official) name. Are being given. After this it is given a brand name. For example, phenytoin is a generic name and Dilantin is a brand name…

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