medical science

Sometimes why body parts are not in their place Know that case what is the harm caused by this

All people's body parts are usually in a fixed order and position. Like all the…

What is the connection between medical symbol and snake, why are two snakes wrapped around the stick?

Medical science has progressed a lot in the world today. But whenever a symbol is…

STSS How much danger does India face from flesh eating bacteria How does it enter the body

After the Covid virus, once again there is a lot of discussion about a new…

How snake poison is treated with camel’s tears, know this magical treatment

Kaam ki Baat: It is said that only iron cuts iron, the news is that…

Worlds First Three Parent Baby Has Born In England Will Not Have Any Kind Of Genetic Disease

Three-parent Baby: Today the whole world is watching the miracles of science. Then whether it…

Dead Bodies Are Kept In The Hope Of Rebirth In A Laboratory Of America Know What Is Cryonics Technology

Cryonics Technology: Humans have made a lot of progress in the field of medicine. Even…

Lifestyle News Know Importance Of Father’s Health For Healthy Baby

Father's Health For Healthy Baby: Often we have heard people around us, elders, relatives saying…