
Union Health Ministry says Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease

'Union Science and Technology Minister' Jitendra Singh is an expert on the famous disease of…

How much does it cost to get a DNA test done You will be surprised to know

All of you must have heard the name of DNA test at some time or…

You will not find any beggar even if you search in Bhutan know the reason

India's neighboring country Bhutan is known all over the world for its natural beauty. Tourists…

Death can happen while laughing what is the reason behind it

Laughing is beneficial for health. You must have heard from doctors, yoga trainers and everyone…

Sometimes why body parts are not in their place Know that case what is the harm caused by this

All people's body parts are usually in a fixed order and position. Like all the…

When chimpanzees fall ill they treat themselves know which medicinal plants they use

A research team comprising researchers from Oxford University and Europe, Japan, Uganda has found that…

45 cm bar had entered the heart, operation lasted for 5 hours, KGMU doctor became God for the accident injured

Rishabh Chaurasia/Lucknow: Doctors at King George's Medical University have performed a miracle through a unique…

Top Courses: Don’t worry about career tension after 12th, study in these fields, you will get a great job.

After 12th class, everyone starts worrying about career. It is not so easy to decide…