How to identify whether cancer medicine is real or fake, how will the name or price reveal the truth?

How to identify whether cancer medicine is real or fake, how will the name or price reveal the truth?

Cancer Drug: Recently, the Crime Branch in Delhi has arrested many people while seizing a huge consignment of fake cancer chemotherapy drugs. These people were playing with the lives of cancer patients and drug sellers in hospitals by giving them fake medicines. If we look at it, cancer is still a fatal disease and due to fake medicines, there may be more problems in its treatment. In such a situation, it is important that whether it is cancer medicine or any other medicine, before buying it, it should be checked…

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Doctors in Mumbai have found a special therapy to stop the spread of cancer, know how to keep cancer away?

Doctors in Mumbai have found a special therapy to stop the spread of cancer, know how to keep cancer away?

Doctors of ‘Tata Memorial Centre’ say that they have discovered a special therapy for cancer metastasis. Nutraceutical therapy has been developed to reduce the risk of cancer through this therapy. Dying cancer cells leave behind ‘chromosome fragments’ (chromatin), which sometimes combine with healthy cells and cause new tumors, according to a decade-long study. Nutraceutical is a food or food product that provides health benefits beyond basic nutrition. Often this is due to additional bioactive compounds or medicinal properties.  Dangers of chemo-radiotherapy revealed Although many patients have recovered from cancer, our…

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