mental health

what is attention deficit hyperactivity disorder know its risks

Mental Health: every small and big thing in life Focus There is a need to…

health tips what is dementia know its causes and symptoms in hindi

Dementia : Dementia means being mentally unstable. It is a disease of forgetfulness. In this,…

go to nature at least 10 minutes it will boost your mental health

How To Boost Mental Health: To stay healthy, it is said that not only the…

Healthy Brain Tips: These three vitamins are most important to keep the brain healthy, research revealed

As we grow older, it becomes important to take care of the health of our…

Does Money Really Buy Happiness Understand Its Impact on Mental Health

We often hear that "money cannot buy happiness." But is this true? This question is…

International Self Care Day 2024: Follow these 5 self-care tips from today and always stay healthy and happy

International Self Care Day is celebrated every year on 24 July. This day reminds us…

Negative Thoughts All the Time Your Mental Health Needs Help

In today's busy life, many people struggle with mental stress and negative thoughts. If negative…

Does Your Mood Change Quickly Learn if You Might Have Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder is a mental illness in which a person's mood changes suddenly. Sometimes they…

Economic Survey Five Things That Harm Your Mental Health and How to Prevent Them

Your mental health is very important, but many things can spoil it. According to the…

How to protect yourself from neurological disorders? Remember these things, which will always help you

If you keep your brain healthy, neurological problems can be prevented or made less harmful.…