mental health

How to know if your brain is a popcorn brain? If you also do this, then stop doing it today

Nowadays many people are troubled by the constant storm of thoughts in their mind. If…

New research shows reducing screen time drastically improves your child’s mental well-being in just 2 weeks

The use of digital devices is increasing continuously in our lives, which is also showing…

Post partum Psychosis: After delivery, only the mother can harm her child, this is the reason behind the danger

Recently there was a news that a 28-year-old woman in Germany threw her newborn daughter…

male female differences in some mental health problems such as depression and schizophrenia | women or men in india

It is very difficult to explain loneliness. In today's fast paced life, every person wants…

mental health what is alien hand syndrome know neurological disorder causes and symptoms

Alien Hand Syndrome Alien Hand Syndrome (AHS) is a neurological disorder in which your hand…

Gut Health Impacts Both Heart and Mind Surprising Study Findings

We have all heard that the way to the heart is through the stomach, but…

mental health what is stress know causes symptoms prevention

Stress-relaxing : The kind of work pressure we are facing these days, the kind of…

what does the world syndrome mean when you imagine the world is more criminal

Mean World Syndrome: Every day, the pages of newspapers are filled with crime news. Somewhere…

If you are extremely creative then you must read this news, Internet is destroying this part of your brain

Researchers from the University College of London have been doing research on brain imaging for…

health tips bird watching benefits for mental health in hindi

Mental Health : The busy life and the pressure of every work is badly affecting…