Increased Heart Beat Not Only Related To Heart, It Can Be Associated With Mental Health Also

Heart Beat Increases: In winter, cases of increased heart beat often increase. However, this is a common problem in winter because blood circulation gets reduced due to falling temperature and heart beat increases due to high BP. Generally, the condition of increased heart beat is considered to be heart related, but health experts say that it is not necessary that this happens every time. Sometimes the situation of increased heart beat may be related to a problem of the brain instead of the heart. Doctors say that heart beat can…

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Why Self Love Is Important Never Underestimate These Five Signs

Reason’s for Depression: If we want our life to be good then it is most important for us to keep ourselves happy and we have to take care of self love and self care that what we like and what are the things that we should stay away from. But many times it happens that in the process of making others happy, you do your own harm and you yourself become a victim of loneliness, depression and stress. So let us tell you five such symptoms which you should never…

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