Budh Uday 2024 mercury rise in Gemini luck of these zodiac signs will shine

Budh Uday 2024 mercury rise in Gemini luck of these zodiac signs will shine

Buddha Uday: Mercury, the prince of planets, is the factor of intelligence and speech. Mercury will rise in Gemini on 27 June at 04:22 am. With the rise of Mercury, the bad luck of some zodiac signs will shine. Let’s know about these zodiac signs. Taurus Horoscope For Taurus natives, Mercury is the lord of the second and fifth house. It is going to rise in your second house. This will bring positive results in your life. You will spend good time with your family. You will be able to…

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Budh uday 2024 mercury will rise in pisces people of these zodiac signs may get into big trouble

Budh uday 2024 mercury will rise in pisces people of these zodiac signs may get into big trouble

Buddha Day: In astrology, Mercury is called the prince of planets. He is the planet responsible for intelligence and speech. Mercury is the lord of Gemini and Virgo. He is the factor of trade, communication and education. Mercury will rise in Pisces tomorrow, April 19, 2024, at 10:23 am. Due to the rise of Mercury, people of some zodiac signs may get into big trouble. Let us know about these zodiac signs. Aries The rising of Mercury is going to be very bad for some zodiac signs. The financial condition…

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