427 meter big asteroid coming towards earth speed is 26562 km per hour if it collides with earth there will be devastation

Asteroid Coming Towards Earth: These days, NASA scientists are keeping an eye on a very large asteroid, which is moving very fast towards the Earth. Scientists say that this planet will pass close to the Earth on June 11. Scientists have named this asteroid 2024 CR29. It is 1400 feet i.e. about 427 meters big in size and is moving towards the Earth at a speed of 26,562 kilometers per hour. Scientists claim that if this body collides with the Earth at this speed, then there will be devastation in…

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After all, how do aliens look? Scientists gave information about the appearance, told a big thing about meteorites

There is a lot of discussion in the world about aliens. Many people claim to have seen him. In films, aliens are shown as small, red colored creatures, and sometimes they are seen in human form. But are there really aliens? (How aliens look) If they exist, what kind do they look like? A scientist has given an answer about this. He has given a lot of information about the appearance of aliens. How do aliens look?Space expert Ashley King recently told in a TV show whether aliens exist on…

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Why Is Jupiter Called The Vacuum Cleaner Of The Solar System Interesting Facts About Jupiter

Jupiter: Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system. It is also called the vacuum cleaner of the solar system (Jupiter is vacuum cleaner of solar system). This planet made of clouds of gas is one of the oldest planets in the solar system. Scientists believe that if Jupiter was not there, the earth would have been destroyed long ago. Let’s understand how it protects us from celestial calamities and why it is called the vacuum cleaner of the solar system. Why is it called the vacuum cleaner of…

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A huge meteorite will pass through the earth today! Waiting for a few more hours, NASA’s concern increased

The world of Space Secrets is full of all kinds of mysteries. Sometimes danger comes to the fore due to the movement of an Asteroid Coming to Earth, and sometimes a new star comes in the eyes of scientists. Recently, astronomers have issued a warning that a huge meteorite is moving towards the earth. The next one is going to pass very close to the earth tonight. Talking about the size of this meteorite, scientists say that if 24 emu birds of average size are stacked one on top of…

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