Cars and vehicles do not run in these 7 cities of the world, there is no trace of pollution, in India…

Car Free Places: Around the world, there are places that are free from urban congestion and pollution. These places prioritize pedestrian safety and sustainable transportation options, creating environments where tourists can move freely, free from the noise and pollution of vehicles. At these places, travelers visit the nearby historical sites and natural mysteries on foot, by bicycle or by electric shuttle or horse-drawn carriages. The car-free environments of these places help tourists slow down the pace of life, immerse themselves in the local culture, appreciate the beauty of the surroundings…

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Woman wakes up after 5 years after hearing mother’s joke, doctors say miracle happened

Mother’s call directly affects the child’s heart. It is only a mother who understands her child deeply and the child also understands every gesture of his mother. A unique example of the untold story of mother-daughter relationship has been seen in America. Here, a daughter who was in a coma for the last five years and was struggling between life and death, opened her eyes laughing at one of her mother’s jokes. Doctors are considering this as a miracle. Jennifer Flewellen, a woman from Michigan, was seriously injured in a…

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