OpenAI CEO Sam Altman uses this application the most, ChatGPT is not the answer

OpenAI CEO Sam Altman uses this application the most, ChatGPT is not the answer

Sam Altman, who launched Chat GPT, hosted by Bill Gates "Unconfuse Me" Told about his mobile habit in the podcast show. He told that he uses the company’s Chat GPT app very rarely. Sam Altman uses Slack application the most. He told that he uses this messaging app for work etc. and uses it more than email. That is, Sam uses this app a lot during the day.  After Slack, Sam uses this app more  In podcast shows. Sam told Bill Gates that after Slack, he uses Apple’s iMessage the…

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ChatGPT Can Changed The World Says Bill Gates In An Interview Here Is Why

ChatGPT Can Changed The World Says Bill Gates In An Interview Here Is Why

Chat GPT: OpenAI’s chatbot ‘Chat GPT’ has gained worldwide fame. This chatbot has crossed 100 million user base in just less than 2 months. To compete with Chat GPT, Tech Joint Google has introduced its chatbot Bard in the market. AI is being discussed a lot in the market and people are talking about the capabilities of Chat GPT. Meanwhile, Microsoft’s co-founder Bill Gates has said a big thing about Chat GPT in an interview. He said that this chatbot of Open AI can change the world. this is how…

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