Microwave Oven tech tips be careful if it gets too hot it has many disdvantages know details here

Microwave Oven tech tips be careful if it gets too hot it has many disdvantages know details here

Microwave Oven: The use of microwave ovens has increased a lot in the country. People quickly heat and eat food in microwave ovens for their comfort and quick work. But do you know that heating food in a microwave oven harms you a lot? Yes, you read it right, excessive use of microwave destroys the nutrients in your food. Let’s know in detail. Harmful effects of microwave oven Actually, heating food in a microwave destroys some of the nutrients in the food. According to information, eating cooked food reduces the…

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Leave pakoras in the rainy season, this time try spicy crispy corn, it will be prepared quickly and the plate will be cleaned in no time

Leave pakoras in the rainy season, this time try spicy crispy corn, it will be prepared quickly and the plate will be cleaned in no time

Crispy Corn Recipe in Hindi: The taste and flavour of food keeps changing from rain to winter. But there is one thing which is craved in both these seasons. That thing is corn. There is a different pleasure in eating roasted corn on the roadside in the rain and rubbing lemon on it. But there is another crispy dish made from corn which if you make it in the rainy season and give it to someone to eat, the plate will be cleaned quickly. We are talking about crispy corn.…

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How to Make Tadka Dal in Microwave: Make tadka dal in microwave, follow these simple tips

How to Make Tadka Dal in Microwave: Make tadka dal in microwave, follow these simple tips

highlights Dal can be made very easily in the microwave. You can also prepare tadka for dal in the microwave itself. How to make Tadka Dal in Microwave: Dal is cooked and eaten in every Indian household. Everyone likes the taste of tadka dal. Usually lentils are made in homes with the help of gas stove, but if your gas is out and microwave is present in the house, then today we are going to tell you the easy way to make Tadka Dal with the help of microwave. You…

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Oven Food Is Harmful For Your Health It Increases Bacteria Percent In Food

Oven Food Is Harmful For Your Health It Increases Bacteria Percent In Food

Health Tips: If you are fond of hot food, then you need to be alert. Who does not like hot food. Especially whether at home or office everyone wants hot food. Oven is used to heat the food. Which can cause diseases for you. People use oven nowadays for their convenience. Food in the oven heats up very quickly. But according to experts, food should not be heated again and again. Always try to have fresh food. By repeatedly heating the food, the number of bacteria starts increasing in it,…

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