Does running AC in a car really reduce the mileage

Does running AC in a car really reduce the mileage

AC In Car: Summer season has arrived. In such a situation, people take help of AC while traveling in car. It is difficult to even enter a car without AC. That’s why people turn on the AC even before sitting in the car. But this question often comes in people’s mind whether running AC in the car makes a difference to the mileage of the car. Does this really happen? Running AC reduces the mileage of the car. Let us know how much truth is there in this. Running AC…

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How much difference does it make to the mileage when the AC is on in the car? This is how petrol will be saved

How much difference does it make to the mileage when the AC is on in the car?  This is how petrol will be saved

The summer season has started and ACs have also started running in the vehicles. But, many people do not run AC to save petrol and improve the mileage of the car and reduce the use of AC to save money. But, the question is, how true is it that when the AC is on in the car, the mileage of the vehicle increases and how much fuel can be saved by not running the AC. So today let’s know what is the connection of AC with mileage… First of all,…

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