mind games

You have to find the face of the farmer’s wife, it is not everyone’s cup of tea, could you find it in 8 seconds?

After understanding the way the brain and eyes work, psychologists create some pictures or patterns…

You have to find 8001 in a crowd of 1008, the challenge is not easy, you have only 7 seconds of time, could you complete it?

If you are sitting idle, then it has become a habit of everyone to scroll…

There is an animal hidden in the picture, only sharp-eyed people will be able to find it, the challenge is just for 7 seconds!

Although our eyes show us thousands of colours, sometimes it happens that they confuse us…

Top Five Indian Games Which Improve Your Memory

Memory Games: Doctors and experienced experts suggest many ways to improve memory, but do you…

The girl dropped the duck among the pebbles, could you find it? It makes your mind spin, even the best of the best have given up…

The puzzles created to test observation skills are called optical illusions. Sometimes such pictures are…

You have to find a different emoji in the picture, the challenge is of 8 seconds, could you complete it?

The art of confusing the eyes or in other words, the art of testing the…

Take this eye test, you have to find ‘DATE’ in the picture, the time is just 10 seconds!

The art of confusing the eyes or rather the art of testing our observation skills…

A fish enters an octopus’ party, it is not easy to find it, will you help? The time is 7 seconds…

A person should keep testing his brain and eyes from time to time. It is…

You have to find ‘snake’ in the picture, you have to complete the challenge in 10 seconds, the good ones have accepted defeat!

Many times, some photographs are taken in such a way that something is happening in…