Supreme court deleted messages in phone is not a crime know details related to mobile users

Supreme court deleted messages in phone is not a crime know details related to mobile users

Supreme Court on Smartphone Deleted Messages: Nowadays, most people have a smartphone in their hands. Whenever a crime happens somewhere, the first thing that is done is to search the criminal’s smartphone to find some evidence. But many times messages, photos or videos are deleted from the phone. In one such case, the deleted messages in the mobile have been made the basis before the Supreme Court. Deleting messages and calls from the smartphone has been presented as tampering with evidence. However, the Supreme Court said in this case that…

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Internet has reached 95 percent of the villages in the country, mobile users have increased by this much in the last 10 years

Internet has reached 95 percent of the villages in the country, mobile users have increased by this much in the last 10 years

Under the ‘Digital India’ initiative, 3G or 4G internet facility is currently available in 95 percent of the villages of the country. This information was given by the central government on Friday. According to the information given by the Ministry of Communications, there are a total of 95.44 crore internet subscribers in India (March 2024). Out of this, 39.83 crore users are in rural India. The ministry gave this information The ministry further said that out of a total of 6,44,131 villages in the country, 3G/4G mobile internet facility is…

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