If Jinnah had accepted the advice of this astrologer, Pakistan would not have been in such a situation!

If Jinnah had accepted the advice of this astrologer, Pakistan would not have been in such a situation!

The year 1947. The country had not yet been divided into two parts. But the British were in a hurry to leave the country. The last Governor General Lord Mountbatten wanted that the two countries should be divided somehow.  On 20 February 1947, British Prime Minister ‘Attlee’ announced that the British government would hand over power to India before June 1948. On 23 March 1947, Lord Mountbatten is made the Viceroy and sent to India. On this day, the Muslim League celebrates ‘Pakistan Day’. On 3 June 1947, Lord Mountbatten…

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Independence Day 2024 who first talked about partition of India then how Pakistan got separated

Independence Day 2024 who first talked about partition of India then how Pakistan got separated

Independence Day 2024: Initiative to liberate United India 1857 it had started from, Ever since the dreams of India’s independence were dreamed, everyone’s wish was the independence of a united India, Many freedom fighters fought for the independence of the country, At the same time, the fighters wanted the country to become independent in a united form, But the country could not get this, Before the country became independent, it was divided into two parts, In such a situation, let us know who first talked about the partition of the…

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Was Pakistan Going To Capture Lakshadweep What Is The Truth Of This Story

Was Pakistan Going To Capture Lakshadweep What Is The Truth Of This Story

Lakshadweep has been in the news for few days. PM Narendra Modi Had traveled to this smallest union territory. PM Modi also shared some of its pictures from his social media account. Which created a stir all over the world including India. Many people started calling Lakshadweep better than Maldives. However, this did not go down well with some ministers of Maldives and they did not shy away from crossing the limits of their decorum. However, after the Indian government expressed its displeasure, these three ministers of Maldives were suspended.…

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