China Moon Mission What will happen from the soil that China brought from the darkest part of the moon

China launched Moon Mission Chang,E-6 Ke ri,The entry module has created history, In fact, through this mission, China is taking pictures of the far side of the moon where there is the darkest part., He has brought two kilos of soil from there, This mission of China 25 June Morning 11.30 o’clock was accomplished when his mission was,E-6 Ke ri,The entry module landed in northern China, Let us know what is so special about this soil and what benefit will it bring to China, Why did China spend billions of…

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Whoever has bought a plot on the moon, can he build a house there? How possible is this according to science?

Have you also bought land on the moon or are you planning to buy it? Today it is possible to reach the moon. But the question is that reaching the moon is possible, but is it so easy to build a house on the moon?  Today we will tell you that those who claim to buy land on the moon or dream of buying land. Will they be able to build a house on the moon?  Land on the moon You must have read many times in the news that…

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Is the moon really shrinking, how much should we worry about it? Know interesting facts

The moon affects every activity on earth. If there is no moon, there will be no light on earth. The sea will rise. The speed of the earth will also be affected. A time will come when everything will become so cold that it will not only become difficult but impossible for humans to live there. Now it is being claimed on social media that the moon is shrinking due to seismic activities. First of all, is this really happening? And if it is happening, what effect will it have…

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Railway tracks will be laid and trains will run on the moon read NASA complete plan

Train On Moon: train on the moon, This is not just an imagination nor a dream, In fact, complete preparations are also being made for it., Where space companies around the world are preparing to send missions to the moon., At the same time, the American space agency NASA has gone several steps ahead and has prepared a blueprint to build the first railway station on the Moon., Under this, such a robotic transport system will be prepared which will meet the general needs of the base on the moon.,…

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Why can’t we see the other side of the moon? Spacecraft sent pictures from there, people were shocked to see them

You must have heard the mention of moon-like face many times. But do you know that you can see only a part of the moon. Its other part is never visible from the earth. After all, what is the reason behind this? Why do we never see the other side of the Moon? A NASA spacecraft has reached the far side of the Moon and taken pictures of it. Which is quite charming. From Earth it seems to us that the Moon does not rotate at all, whereas this is…

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The space rock remained a mystery, research claimed, it had created a crater on the Moon without colliding.

Scientists have found that a unique asteroid is responsible for the formation of a crater in the Moon, which is currently revolving around the Sun, but has never collided with the Moon. In the new study, scientists have considered a rock responsible for this crater which had remained a first for scientists for the last many years. Many scientists were earlier considering this rock to be an asteroid which might have come from outside the solar system. But now scientists have said that it was because of this asteroid that…

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solar eclipse 2024 United States Mexico Canada India Surya grahan timing

This solar eclipse is the first solar eclipse to occur in 2024. Apart from America, people of Mexico and Canada can also see this special moment for some time. People are constantly asking on social media whether people can see this special moment in India too? If you also have the same question, then let us tell you that this moment is not going to be seen in the rest of the world including India. Some people also have a question that what is a total solar eclipse? According to…

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Are these Earth creatures forming colonies on the Moon? This might have happened in 2019, scientists argued!

Can life flourish on the Moon? A lot can be said about this, but one claim states that life would not only have reached the Moon, but would also be thriving there. After the spacecraft named Bearsheet collided with the lunar surface in 2019, the tardigrades sent there may have survived and may have even formed a colony by now. A good argument is being given in support of this claim, but there is also a doubt. In 2019, SpaceIL’s Israeli spacecraft named Bearsheit was sent to the Moon, which…

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This is the biggest black hole ever, so big that it can contain 28 billion suns simultaneously.

Many questions always arise in people’s minds regarding black holes in space. Like can it reach the earth? Is it so big that even the sun can come out? Let us tell you that scientists have discovered the heaviest black joint ever. Astronomers have measured the mass of a pair of two supermassive black holes with the help of the Gemini North telescope. According to scientists, this is the heaviest black hole among the pairs of supermassive black holes. There is such a place found in India, where the force…

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NASA will build a house on the moon, after all who will live there when it is built?

  How many stories have we read about the moon since childhood. But now man has also reached the moon. Not only this, some agencies are also building houses on the moon. According to a report, NASA has set a target of building a house on the Moon by 2040. Although some scientists have called it impossible, some scientists have said that it is completely possible. NASA has also told how it will make this seemingly difficult task possible. But today we will tell you who will live there when…

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