How much protein is there in a bowl of moong dal? Include it in your diet today itself

How much protein is there in a bowl of moong dal?  Include it in your diet today itself

Healthy diet is very beneficial for health. Diseases can be avoided by consuming good food regularly. All the essential nutrients are found in a balanced diet like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, dairy products, pulses etc. One of these is moong dal.  Moong dal is a delicious dish rich in nutrients like protein, fiber, vitamins etc.  The protein in moong dal is generally higher than that of other pulses. One bowl (100 grams) of moong dal contains 25 grams of protein. If you are a vegetarian, then definitely consume it. It…

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Moong Dal Side Effects If You Eat Every Day

Moong Dal Side Effects If You Eat Every Day

Side Effects of Moong Dal: You must have always heard from the elders of the house saying that you must eat pulses. You can put any problem related to health in front of them, from there only one question will be asked. Do you eat lentils? Dal is really nectar for those people who are pure vegetarian. Among pulses, especially moong dal is the best among all pulses. For your information, let us tell you that there is a lot of protein in moong dal, as well as elements like…

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